Waste Management & Recycling

We help our clients solve waste management issues by providing innovative, responsible, sustainable, and economical strategies

Waste Management & Recycling

We help our clients solve waste management issues by providing innovative, responsible, sustainable, and economical strategies

Waste Management & Recycling

We help our clients solve waste management issues by providing innovative, responsible, sustainable, and economical strategies

Highly Adaptive

We cater to needs of large and small quantity clients

Committed Professional

Committed to excellence in product quality, price and client experience

Constant Innovation

Continuous pursuit of product, process and personnel improvement

Waste Management & Recycling

Skaiba provides waste management services, environmental and recycling consulting. We work with many communities at local, national, and international level. Our clients, include municipalities, waste producers, waste management industry, regulators and investors.

We expertise in providing practical advice on all types of waste like municipal waste, commercial, industrial, agricultural and mining waste.

Services & Solution

We offer comprehensive recycling, industry-specific waste management, quality control & sustainability solutions for businesses and corporations.

Waste Audit

A waste audit will tell you what types of trash you generate and in what quantities. The waste audit final report will then suggest where you can use less, use again, or sell to a commercial recycler.

Recycling Management Consulting

Our commercial recycling experts work closely with businesses to help you reach your recycling goals, from consultation to implementation and long-term management.

Business Recycling

We create a customized recycling program to increase efficiencies, improve operations, meet a range of regulatory requirements – and minimize your environmental footprint.


We have often found that we overlook simple opportunities in reuse. If your organization is large, we find ways to reuse it; otherwise, Skaiba utilizes its extensive nationwide supplier and customer base.

Waste to Energy

Several new and emerging technologies can turn your waste into energy without direct combustion, and Skaiba consults on which might be a fit for your needs.

Recycled Material Sourcing

We leverage our experience and knowledge of a vast array of materials to help you source plastic materials for manufacturing and support your commercial needs.

You can’t recycle wasted time.

We will help you reduce the use of harmful, wasteful, and non-recyclable products. Reducing dependency on these kinds of products results in less waste materials ending up in landfill and the associated negative environmental impacts. We recommend always using the minimum amount required to avoid unnecessary waste.

Help keep our planet clean for future generations.

In hundreds of waste audits over the years, we have often found that there are simple opportunities that are overlooked. Cardboard boxes, crates, totes, drums, barrels can be reused fften with some basic toll processing. You can reuse plastic scraps that are currently being swept up as waste. Don’t contribute your product to a landfill – reuse it!

Recycle more. Every little bit counts.

Recycling is the most environmentally friendly waste disposal method. Suppose your business doesn’t already, start collecting cardboard, mixed paper products, commingled materials (plastics, aluminum, glass), and organics. Most companies we speak with are surprised by the amount of waste they reduce by establishing an effective recycling program.

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